
Gauss rifle mods fallout 4
Gauss rifle mods fallout 4

gauss rifle mods fallout 4

It takes up the functionalities of the Gauss rifle and the high power of Overseer’s guardian can attack in a silent mode. Old Reliable comes with extraordinary abilities. If playing this as a stealth sniper, trying to remain unseen and unnoticeable to your enemies, then do not consider this rifle as it will leave you frangible and exposed nevertheless of how strong you plan on sneak attacks. This powerful sniper rifle can squash the enemies with the raw damage that it causes. This is one of the major drawbacks about this rifle. It has amazing stats, but because of the lack of a silencer, this fallout 4 sniper rifle is often underrated by many players. This feature makes this rifle one of the best sniper rifles in Fallout 4. Sentinel Plasmacaster comes with the instigating effect that gives the ability to double damage to the target even if the target is in full health. Perhaps, as you move towards later stages of the game, it is recommended to get yourself another rifle to survive in the game. It comes with an instigating effect which does not let the enemies come back to haunt you.

gauss rifle mods fallout 4 gauss rifle mods fallout 4

But it can be considered as the best weapon for non-stealthy players as it is economical and can be obtained at the 3rd or 4th level at an early stage. It has no silence, same as the Sentinel Plasmacaster. Old Faithful comes with the ability to cause 300 damage with a single shot. So, you will have to fire multiple shots to let your enemies get down. The only con of having this beast is that it has a lesser damage per shot. This blaster is enjoyed by stealth snipers as during combat, it has a silencer ability. You can stop worrying about reload time once you have this weapon. It has the fastest reload speed as a semi automatic weapon.

gauss rifle mods fallout 4

Its features are unmatched with any of the rifle snipers. It is the best long range gun which every player in Fallout 4 wishes for. Hub Alien Blaster is the best rifle that can be used as an emergency sidearm rifle. It comes with a long range of about 227 and fires at a super amazing rate of 66. This beauty comes with medium night vision mod, gamma wave emitter, full stock and improved long barrel. To acquire this rifle, steal it from Virigil or convince him to commit suicide during Virgil’s cure. It also offers an extra 50 percent damage. Virgil’s rifle is an energy based sniper rifle that features the Mutant Slayer effect that allows you to be more productive while fighting with mutants.

Gauss rifle mods fallout 4