
Lego star wars tcs
Lego star wars tcs

lego star wars tcs

Or rather, it's a great collection of games. Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga hasn't quite made us cry, but it does fulfil both criteria and it is a great game. Some of us were hoping the arrival of a Star Wars game that a) isn't rubbish b) lets you lightsaber enemies by actually swinging a controller would bring tears to our eyes. Some of us remember crying at a dinner party last week because still people don't get it yes okay fine Jar Jar blah blah don't you understand there's a war going on up there. Some of us remember crying in the cinema when we were 27, realising as the yellow text scrolled upwards this was the last time we'd ever watch a Star Wars film for the first time. Some of us remember crying in the cinema when we were six, terrified at the prospect of Luke falling down the big bottom hole in the sand. By "true", we mean the kind of prequel apologist who will go so far as to agree that yes, Revenge of the Sith isn't as good as Return of the Jedi, but that's because it's even better.

lego star wars tcs

Every true fan can remember at least one incident where Star Wars brought tears to their eyes.

Lego star wars tcs