
Prophesy of pendor joining an order
Prophesy of pendor joining an order

No magic or non-human races, just humans. Make all characters either fighters or thieves. OK, so let's turn OD&D into a historical game. Gaming, from the very beginning, exploited this model, and in the capable hands of clever and creative players, the possibilities are endless. But only if we understand gameplay mechanics as machinery over which we throw a clever disguise, much like a colorful blanket of imagination. Who wants to inhabit a place of numbers when they can actually do things in a world of cause and effect - and do so in true, fantasy novel fashion? But also more qualitative fare, like who, what, where, and when in a living world.

prophesy of pendor joining an order

First, the mechanical and/or quantitative aspects expressed through numerical simulation and manipulation.

Prophesy of pendor joining an order